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  • 姓名: 石玉胜
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 研究员
  • 职务: 
  • 学历: 博士研究生
  • 电话: 
  • 传真: 
  • 电子邮件: shiys@aircas.ac.cn
  • 通讯地址: 奥运园区A313
    简  历:
  • 石玉胜,中国科学院空天信息创新研究院,研究员。中国科学院“百人计划”入选者。日本名古屋大学理学博士,日本国立环境研究所GOSAT卫星中心博士后研究员,美国宇航局喷气推进实验室OCO-2研究室特别研究助理。研究方向为大气环境遥感观测与同化反演,重点开展碳卫星遥感监测与反演,甲烷卫星模拟与同化等方面研究。



    2024.12—至今     中国科学院空天信息创新研究院      研究员

    2020.03—2024.12  中国科学院空天信息创新研究院      副研究员

    2017.04—2020.03  中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所    副研究员

    2014.04—2017.03  日本国立环境研究所                博士后研究员

  • 大气环境遥感观测与同化反演

  • (1)基于多源遥感的全球重点源识别及碳排放反演方法优化研究  负责人  国家重点研发计划子课题        2024.04—2027.12
    (2)高分辨率网格化甲烷综合排放清单  负责人  国家重点研发计划子课题        2021.12—2023.12
    (3)中国生物质燃烧PM2.5综合排放遥感估算及其对人口过早死亡的影响研究  负责人  国家自然科学基金        2021.01—2024.12
    (4)Biomass Burning CO2 Emissions retrieved from GOSAT observations  负责人    日本国立环境研究所  2018.12—2024.12

    (5)统一质量标准的真实性检验场网构建技术  负责人    国家重点研发计划子课题  2018.10—2022.12

    (6)基于GOSAT和OCO-2卫星的中国生物质燃烧CO2排放估算研究  负责人    国家自然科学基金  2018.01—2020.12

    (7)基于GOSAT和OCO-2卫星的碳排放遥感监测与反演  负责人    中国科学院BR计划  2017.4—2023.12

  • 代表论著


    [1] Liu, Y., Chen, J., Shi, Y.*, Zheng, W., Shan, T., Wang, G. 2024. Global emissions inventory from open biomass burning (GEIOBB): utilizing Fengyun–3D global fire spot monitoring data. Earth System Science Data, 16, 3495–3515.

    [2] Su, M., Shi, Y.*, Yang, Y., Guo, W. 2023. Impacts of different biomass burning emission inventories: Simulations of atmospheric CO2 concentrations based on GEOS-Chem. Science of the Total Environment, 876, 162825.

    [3] Guo, W., Shi, Y.*, Liu, Y., Su, M. 2023. CO2 emissions retrieval from coal-fired power plants based on OCO-2/3 satellite observations and a Gaussian plume model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 397, 136525.

    [4] Zhu, Y., Shi, Y.* 2023. Spatio-temporal variations of PM2.5 concentrations and related premature deaths in Asia, Africa, and Europe from 2000 to 2018. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 99, 107046.

    [5] Shi, Y.*, Zhu, Y., Gong, S., Pan, J., Zang, S., Wang, W., Li, Z., Matsunaga, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Bai, Y. 2022. PM2.5-related premature deaths and potential health benefits of controlled air quality in 34 provincial cities of China during 2001–2017. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 97, 106883.

    [6] Shi, Y.*, Gong, S., Zang, S., Zhao, Y., Wang, W., Lv, Z., Matsunaga, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Bai, Y. 2021. High-resolution and multi-year estimation of emissions from open biomass burning in Northeast China during 2001–2017. Journal of Cleaner Production, 310, 127496.

    [7] Gong, S., Shi, Y.* 2021. Evaluation of comprehensive monthly-gridded methane emissions from natural and anthropogenic sources in China. Science of the Total Environment, 784, 147116.

    [8] Shi, Y.*, Zang, S., Matsunaga, T., Yamaguchi, Y. 2020. A multi-year and high-resolution inventory of biomass burning emissions in tropical continents from 2001–2017 based on satellite observations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 270, 122511.

    [9] Shi, Y.*, Zhao, A., Matsunaga, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Zang, S., Li, Z., Yu, T., Gu, X. 2019. High-resolution inventory of mercury emissions from biomass burning in tropical continents during 2001–2017. Science of the Total Environment, 653, 638-648.

    [10] Shi, Y.*, Zhao, A., Matsunaga, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Zang, S., Li, Z., Yu, T., Gu, X. 2018. Underlying causes of PM2.5-induced premature mortality and potential health benefits of air pollution control in South and Southeast Asia from 1999 to 2014. Environment International, 121, 814-823.

    [11] Shi, Y.*, Matsunaga, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Zhao, A., Li, Z., Gu, X. 2018. Long-term trends and spatial patterns of PM2.5-induced premature mortality in South and Southeast Asia from 1999 to 2014. Science of the Total Environment, 631-632, 1504-1514.

    [12] Shi, Y.*, Matsunaga, T., Yamaguchi, Y., Li, Z., Gu, X., Chen, X. 2018. Long-term trends and spatial patterns of satellite-retrieved PM2.5 concentrations in South and Southeast Asia from 1999 to 2014. Science of the Total Environment, 615, 177-186.

    [13] Shi, Y.*, Matsunaga, T. 2017. Temporal comparison of global inventories of CO2 emissions from biomass burning during 2002-2011 derived from remotely sensed data. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(20), 16905-16916.

    [14] Shi, Y.*, Matsunaga, T., Noda, H. 2017. Interpreting temporal changes of atmospheric CO2 over fire affected regions based on GOSAT observations. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 14(1), 77-81.

    [15] Shi, Y.*, Matsunaga, T., Yamaguchi, Y. 2015. High-resolution mapping of biomass burning emissions in three tropical regions. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(18), 10806-10814.

    [16] Shi, Y.*, Matsunaga, T., Saito, M., Yamaguchi, Y., Chen, X. 2015. Comparison of global inventories of CO2 emissions from biomass burning during 2002-2011 derived from multiple satellite products. Environmental Pollution, 206, 479-487.

    [17] Shi, Y.*, Yamaguchi, Y. 2014. A high-resolution and multi-year emissions inventory for biomass burning in Southeast Asia during 2001-2010. Atmospheric Environment, 98, 8-16.

    [18] Shi, Y.*, Sasai, T., Yamaguchi, Y. 2014. Spatio-temporal evaluation of carbon emissions from biomass burning in Southeast Asia during the period 2001-2010. Ecological Modelling, 272, 98-115.


    [1] 《Remote Sensing of Land Cover and Land Use Changes in South and Southeast Asia》, CRC Press,2025

    [2] 《Biomass Burning in South and Southeast Asia: Impacts on the Biosphere》,CRC Press,2021

  • (1)环境保护科学技术奖

